import turtle, random,time map = input('Select a map from 1-8 or press 9 for random map') max = 8 map = int(map) if map == max: map = random.randint(1,max-1) if map == 1: mapName = "v" if map == 2: mapName = "d" if map == 3: mapName = "m" if map == 4: mapName = "a" if map == 5: mapName = "j" if map == 6: mapName = "e (1)" if map == 7: mapName = "t" if map == 8: mapName = "l" charlist = ['rainbowbob','Kataniguana','yurp','REEE','Zhane','america','lightning','Goku','Symmetra','Dva','Junkrat2','Mercy','soldier'] print(charlist) char1 = int(input('Player 1 Choose a character from the list.')) char2 = int(input('Player 2 Choose a character from the list.')) char1 = charlist[char1-1] char2 = charlist[char2-1] you = turtle.Turtle() you.penup() them = turtle.Turtle() them.penup() ball = turtle.Turtle() screen = turtle.Screen() screen.setup(400, 400) direction = "up" screen.bgpic(mapName+".png") screen.addshape(char1+".png") you.shape(char1+".png") screen.addshape(char2+".png") them.shape(char2+".png") move_speed = 10 ##MOVEMENT CODE FOR SPRITE 1 (YOU) def up(): xold = you.xcor() yold = you.ycor() you.sety(you.ycor()+move_speed) if you.ycor()> 200: you.sety(-200) print(str(you.xcor())+','+str(you.ycor())) findbox(xold,yold) def down(): xold = you.xcor() yold = you.ycor() you.sety(you.ycor()-move_speed) if you.ycor()< -200: you.sety(200) print(str(you.xcor())+','+str(you.ycor())) findbox(xold,yold) def left(): xold = you.xcor() yold = you.ycor() you.setx(you.xcor()-move_speed) if you.xcor()< -200: you.setx(200) print(str(you.xcor())+','+str(you.ycor())) findbox(xold,yold) def right(): xold = you.xcor() yold = you.ycor() you.setx(you.xcor()+move_speed) if you.xcor()> 200: you.setx(-200) print(str(you.xcor())+','+str(you.ycor())) findbox(xold,yold) def jump(): up() up() up() time.sleep(0.1) down() down() down() ##MOVEMENT CODE FOR SPRITE 2 (THEM) def up2(): xold2 = them.xcor() yold2 = them.ycor() them.sety(them.ycor()+move_speed) if them.ycor()> 200: them.sety(-200) print(str(them.xcor())+','+str(them.ycor())) findbox(xold2,yold2) def down2(): xold2 = them.xcor() yold2 = them.ycor() them.sety(them.ycor()-move_speed) if them.ycor()< -200: them.sety(200) print(str(them.xcor())+','+str(them.ycor())) findbox(xold2,yold2) def left2(): xold2 = them.xcor() yold2 = them.ycor() them.setx(them.xcor()-move_speed) if them.xcor()< -200: them.setx(200) print(str(them.xcor())+','+str(them.ycor())) findbox(xold2,yold2) def right2(): xold2 = them.xcor() yold2 = them.ycor() them.setx(them.xcor()+move_speed) if them.xcor()> 200: them.setx(-200) print(str(them.xcor())+','+str(them.ycor())) findbox(xold2,yold2) def jump2(): up2() up2() up2() time.sleep(0.1) down2() down2() down2() def findbox(xold, yold): if map == 1: coords = [ [30,90,90,180], [10,120,30,70], [160,200,-10,70], [-160,-20,20,70], [-200,-180,20,80], [-80,-10,100,180], [-170,-120,100,200], [-190,-100,-80,-30], [-40,10,-90,-40]] if map == 7: coords = [ [10,180,-110,-70], [10,180,-160,-120], [10,180,-180,-160], [-80,0,-180,-60], [-190,-90,-170,-60], [120,200,70,200], [20,70,80,190], [-160,-20,120,190], [-170,-120,70,100], [-120,-80,70,100], [-70,-30,70,100]] sprites = [you, them] for i in sprites: for j in coords: if i.xcor() > j[0] and i.xcor() < j[1]: if i.ycor() > j[2] and i.ycor() < j[3]: print('you are in the box') i.setx(xold) i.sety(yold) def fly(ball): global direction ball.hideturtle() ball.setx(you.xcor()) ball.sety(you.ycor()) ball.pendown() if direction == "up": ball.sety(200) if direction == "down": ball.sety(-200) if direction == "left": ball.setx(-200) if direction == "right": ball.setx(200) ball.penup() ball.showturtle() you.penup() you.speed(0) you.home() you.left(90) them.penup() them.speed(0) them.home() them.left(90) screen.onkey(up, "Up") screen.onkey(down, "Down") screen.onkey(left, "Left") screen.onkey(right, "Right") screen.onkey(jump,"Space") screen.onkey(up2, "w") screen.onkey(down2, "s") screen.onkey(left2, "a") screen.onkey(right2, "d") screen.onkey(jump2,"x") screen.listen()